Here are some things I do before writer’s block gets to me!
The blank page need not be daunting. As a writer we sit down to work and wishing to call up a new piece must ponder that momentary blankness of paper or screen. For some the mere whiteness is enough to block creative juices from flowing. Creativity is an intangible resource; one we should have a deep well of. I can’t imagine that well ever running dry as every person real or imagined has a lifetime of experiences to reveal. Each experience had a myriad of characters for point of view. Every item within the experience is then a part of the tale to be related.
I like tales of items. I have a tale of a Silver Teapot, see the link to that blog at the bottom of this post. I have one of a zipline my father built for my brother and me. I have stories of antiques and farm equipment. If you are feeling stuck look up something that you remember or plays a part in some story. Read the history of an implement of living and apply it to a character and story. These make fun exercises in of themselves and may turn out to be the seed to a much larger writing piece.
Fashion and necessity can create and interesting perspective to launch into a story from. Have you looked at who made the clothes of an era? Have you considered the process and labor of creating the clothing? Beyond the process are the styles dictated by living conditions and later fashion. Knee high cavalry boots and long wool cloaks, tiny waisted evening gowns and giant hoop skirts, fashion of the era you write about can lead off a writing spree.
I am often reminded on Twitter and other platforms of people facing a writer’s block. I don’t believe it’s a block. There is no cement dam like that at the local reservoir that is impervious to the massive lake of water. Someone controls the flood gates there and decides if a trickle or a gush is allowed through. We control the flood gates of our creativity. I often make a Pinterest board of images for a story I am working on and will scroll through those before I open the page to write. You can see an example here:
Leave; get away from your desk and laptop. Slide a small notepad in your pocket and go somewhere and start walking. If a location nearby is similar to that in your work in progress go, there. I walked through many orchards when working on a piece that had an orchard as one of the settings. I use my phone camera to catch images on my walks and wanderings. I even find a flea market a great place to seek the items of an era. A museum might house the pieces that fit your story but be sure to check their photography policy. A field trip is a wonderful way to stimulate words to flow.
Have you leafed through a catalog and dressed your character? Have you looked at the places they spend their time? Have you researched the pertinent news in the timeline of your story? Have you read a companion book? If you want the flood gates of your creativity to flow, then you need to grease the gears a little bit. Take the time to prepare your mind for the writing.
Silver Teapot: