Category Archives: art gallery

Reviewing Last Night by Luanne Rice

Luanne Rice has written another gem. I love the rich array of characters in her book. As I read, I was playing detective as the story unfolded. This story also spoke to me personally as I performed as a storyteller, once at Ocean House at Christmas. The scenes were bringing back memories. The best novels surprise me with how the crime is solved as did this one with page-turning action. This was a quick read as I couldn’t bear to leave the characters hanging not knowing what happened to them! Despite the August weather I almost expected to see snow out the window, I was engrossed in this Ocean House tale of suspense. A must-read for the crime and mystery lover!


The Birth of an Audio CD

The Birth of an Audio CD

         How many hours, how many emails, how many years? Yes, years from start of the CD  idea to CD in hand.  In order to make the best CD, I needed to be ready, and so did the material. This is a storytelling CD, but the same could be said for music, you have to… Continue Reading

Chalk Up Student Fairy Tales

Chalk Up Student Fairy Tales

         What do kids know and understand of fairy tales? How do they interpret them? I, as a storyteller, was wondering and used sidewalk chalk as a way to begin exploration of the questions.      I work in an after school program and thought the kids would enjoy a spring afternoon with sidewalk chalk. I began… Continue Reading