Category Archives: report

5 Tips to  Make Your Presentation a Story to Remember

5 Tips to Make Your Presentation a Story to Remember

Dedicated to the students at the E.O.Smith High School  Depot Campus a Big Picture School.
 Good Luck on your exhibitions!
1. Dress For Success
2. Speak to be heard and understood, don’t just talk- tell the story
3. When using photos – make them high quality ( they are speaking for you)
Above a nice quality nature photo
Below a poor quality photo
4. Eliminate Distractions
            hair in eyes, gum, phone going off, swaying, looking at floor – ceiling etc.
5. Practice what you will say so  you don’t need Ummmmm….
Big Picture School :
E.O.Smith high School Storrs, CT.
Another blog about story in education:
this blog has educational game review: