Category Archives: storyslam

Metro – T riders take stage to tell their MBTA tales

Metro – T riders take stage to tell their MBTA tales

In Boston this past slam was all about who rides the T ! It happens daily as thousands and thousands board and recede like the tide to the other world. So unremarkable that oblivion might better be the name. Then every now and again a ride becomes so noteworthy it becomes a story. Read the metro below how the stories were shared at the most recent Mass Mouth Story Slam.

Metro – T riders take stage to tell their MBTA tales

A-MAZE-ING Story Slam

A-MAZE-ING Story Slam

Yesterday I drove the winding Boston Turnpike ( Rte 44) which boasts many improvements since George Washington traveled it. Finally turning off to the northeast I headed in the direction of Thompson , Ct. I came up to the green now shaded by the ginat trees and went along one side past the library… Continue Reading