Category Archives: JohnathanAmericanChoralDirectors

Which hand should I hold the baton in? Be Passionate

Which hand should I hold the baton in?

The video is a definition in motion of passion.

Click and watch the video.

There is no doubt that this young man is passionate about music.

It is infectious. When we are passionate other people pay attention and try to figure out why and what makes that passion. Being passionate is a little like being contagious, who knows who will catch it!

A number of years ago I was invited to a party and saw storyteller Tom Lee perform Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, he had myself, my son and everyone else drawn into the story. I was busy watching him tell, but also the reaction, it was his realism and passion for telling that sucked the kids from their seats nearly.

It was the night I realized I wanted to be a storyteller and make this journey. I’ve been watching for that passion every where I go. I am following the passionate to improve my storytelling.

To show me better ways to do things. I am inspired by their talents and ideas. I draw courage from their bold new ventures. I want to have so much fun telling stories, building my business, learning all about the web, creating new written pieces, so very passionate about my work that the baton flies from my hand and I collapse in a fit of whole hearted laughter!

Won’t you join me?