Category Archives: Poultry Science

Weather Vanes; Story Resources Part 3

Weather Vanes; Story Resources Part 3

More Weather Vanes with accompanying resources for stories, written or oral.

egg laying contest Uconn
There was a time when the world made tracks to Storrs CT.  bringing their best hens for a prestigious competition in egg laying to find the world’s best producers. One of these coops remains as a historic marker to that time.
 ( Thanks to the Dodd Center at Uconn for permission to use this photo)
poultry science
Professor Daniel Talmadge taught poultry science at Uconn in the 70’s and before. Our class was a group of  typical college kids making  commentary. We came up with a sketch of three chickens that  had cartoon style speech bubbles and comments  then it was adhered  on Dr. Talmadge’s office door.  “Talmadge’s Trio” and  our anonymous opinions were there for everyone passing by. He seemed to like our sense of humor. We of course being late teens – early twenties thought we were terribly funny and clever. We were just college kids up to the usual and not far removed from Saturday morning cartoons.
Rooster/ Hen Stories
Here at Jackie Baldwin’s site you can find quite a few chicken links
I love this blog post by Storyteller Sue Black:

Retrieve More Dog Stories

                                                             Dog Stories
My All Time Favorite Dog Story Comes from Storyteller Donald Davis of North Carolina. I think I’ll wear out the CD  “Gone Visitin”. On that CD recorded live at the National Storytelling Festival  is the track  Rainy Weather 33.40  minutes of perfection in a dog story!

My next favorite comes from Bill Harley  on his Grammy Winning CD Blah Blah Blah,  the 7 minute song: Bow Wow Wow  you could have this in time for the dog lover on your shopping list and for the last minute shopper how about those downloads – instant GIFT!

Falwell Barn Uconn

Historic Beef and Dairy Barn at Uconn College of Ag. History of College,  Ct Agricultural College founded by Charles and Augustus Storrs. A little of their story in  this link:

                                                    Beef and Dairy Til the Cows Come Home
                       ( guess they are already here! But here are some resources anyway! )
Didn’t know about my dairy connection have a look
here is my video from this falls corn harvest:

Do you remember Elsie the Cow? She was a starlet in her own right!

Here is a new kids cattle page:

Previous Posts in Weather Vanes Series: