Category Archives: artists

Reviewing Last Night by Luanne Rice

Luanne Rice has written another gem. I love the rich array of characters in her book. As I read, I was playing detective as the story unfolded. This story also spoke to me personally as I performed as a storyteller, once at Ocean House at Christmas. The scenes were bringing back memories. The best novels surprise me with how the crime is solved as did this one with page-turning action. This was a quick read as I couldn’t bear to leave the characters hanging not knowing what happened to them! Despite the August weather I almost expected to see snow out the window, I was engrossed in this Ocean House tale of suspense. A must-read for the crime and mystery lover!


A Lobster Will  Help Promote a Program

A Lobster Will Help Promote a Program

Is a picture worth a thousand words? It is when I can make my photography hobby works to promote my storytelling programs!  1  lobster + 1000 words photo value +  25 words script = Super way to  let people know about an event. This is a pre-conference seminar I’m leading at Sharing the Fire Northeast Storytellers Conference in Albany,… Continue Reading