Category Archives: Wednesday Word Wisdom

Wed. Word Wisdom – Sheepishly

Wednesday Word Wisdom highlights a different word each week. Many will have agricultural backgrounds. Can you use my word of the week during your week?

I think kids would have fun finding ways to make a movie of a definition, I sure am!

Sheepishly; This flock at The University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture is sure acting sheepishly! They tuck their head down low and behind another hoping not to be noticed.

Have a word with an agricultural root you would like me to  post?  Just leave a comment at the bottom. If it isn’t on my list already I will add it.

Last week’s word: Ruminate;

Wed. Word Wisdom – Ruminate

                       Wednesday Word Wisdom   from  Carolyn Stearns Storyteller Ruminate to meditate and  ponder…. We all do it a little, but I thought the time to get back to our roots was now. The roots of our language are based in agriculture at times, especially this word!                                                                       Ruminate              Don’t you feel better knowing we have a… Continue Reading