Welcome to SNOW day! My goal is to get to the barn and take care of the horses. This is a photo story of this afternoons adventure. I shoveled ,caught my breath, took a picture and repeat. Kept the camera warm and dry inside my coat. Thinking of the line from TAPS, “All is well, safely rest” If you enjoy my blogs please press the “follow” button.

That’s the way to get there after this mornings shoveling is snowed over.

So far so good!

But all this left to do ugh!

Impressive pile, one for the record books! I’m getting there.

In! Feed these and through to open the other side and go feed the group out back, uh….. Sorry gang it will be a few minutes delayed.

One thing about shoveling snow, no one bothers you, and having work pile up is a sign of productivity.

O.K. So no one is going out today because I cant shovel the gates free too!

Somewhere past this drift there are hungry horses! This one chest high.

I made a path!

Scout happy to see me!

John sleepy and happy to eat!

Secret listens to the howling wind!

Daybreak says ” Got More?”

I’m just grateful we are all home and warm and dry now.

All our friends here at Storybook Farm are too!
We had thunder and lightning snow,
we had blowing snow,
we have wet snow
we have fluffy snow. we have snow up
we have snow down
There is snow
all around!