Category Archives: Ivanand the Chestnut Horse

Simple Summer Fun

Simple Summer Fun

Simple Summer Fun
When was the last time you did tie -dye shirts?
There is a little magic in taking the rubber bands off and discovering what the pattern comes out like! The items tie-dyed are as individual as the makers and a great way to spend a summer afternoon.
Items needed:
Cotton shirts or other items ( pillow cases are fun)
RIT DYE available in departement and grocery stores in liqued and powder
plastic buckets
elastic bands
Squirt bottles
plastic gloves
Follow direction provided with dye product. Cover shirt with tightly bound elastics, dip in color – the longer you leave it the darker the color.
WORD OF WARNNG! Can stain clothing and skin! Wash seperate from
your laundry the first few times!
Top  off the day with a tasty snack and you have all the makings of a memorable summer day!
To finish the day how about a story?
You might like:
Carolyn Stearns Storyteller
Ivan and the Chestnut Horse
(filmed at a 4-H Horse Club meeting)