Category Archives: quintessentialgardens

A-MAZE-ING Story Slam

A-MAZE-ING Story Slam

Yesterday I drove the winding Boston Turnpike ( Rte 44) which boasts many improvements since George Washington traveled it. Finally turning off to the northeast I headed in the direction of Thompson , Ct. I came up to the green now shaded by the ginat trees and went along one side past the library and congregational church so common on a New England Green. Taking a final right onto Quaddick Rd. I passed stately colonials and soon the land opened into the rolling meadows of a Connecticut farm. Fort Hill Farms to be exact and the Quintessential Gardens. I hadn’t made the drive since last fall and was glad to see the tapestry of green fields and trees and owner Krisitn Orr just getting out of her car there to meet with me.
The meeting was a first planning session for The A-MAZE-ING Story Slam to be held Sept.4, 2010 at 1 p.m. We just knew this had to be a personal meeting to transfer our enthusiasm for the project into an actual plan of action and bring together my world of storytelling, and Kristin’s world of the annual Corn Maze. Actually our worlds overlap in that I come from a farm family as well and we have that understanding of farming, real food, all forms of agriculture and how many in the world are losing touch with these essential roots.
We spend a lot of time discussing logisitics and bounce from topic to topic with our ideas and energy building. Signs, internet, web links, prizes, who we know, how to get things done. The maze itself, and rain logisitcs and we have answers for everything! There is a wonderful greenhouse that will easily seat all who may come if the weather decides not to cooperate. There is the maze itself which won’t be seeded until July 10 and my plan to be there to video tape that so all on Ning and Facebook etc can share in the excitement of the planting. ( it goes in late and stays up until November, that way it doesnt dry out) Come fall the maze will become feed for the cows of Fort Hill Farms so the corn has purpose beyond family fun.
Next we walk the gardens, Quintessential Gardens tended with loving care by Kristin. There are the peace gardens, lavendar labyrinth, walled gardens, small and large gardens, bursts of spring color and shady retreats for a summer day. My camera catches many images to store for use in forth coming posts and sites.
Inspired by MassMouth and in such easy driving distance of Boston, Providence and New London, Thompson is the perfect location to move the energy of Ct. Storytelling to the forefront while supporting Ct. Agriculture.
Save the date of Sept. 4, 2010 the Saturday of Labor Day weekend to come to Thompson for the A-MAZE-ING Story Slam. Better yet follow the ning,
( ) facebook and or blog pages to learn about all the great things you can do in the Quiet Corner of Connecticut to make your Labor Day vacation perfect. There is a little something for everyone in the Quiet Corner. This is just like the seeds of the corn, lots yet to be revealed.
note photos from the 2009 maze