Category Archives: Road To Nowhere

Reveiw: CD Prarie Child with Bert Marshall

Reveiw: CD Prarie Child with Bert Marshall

Prairie Child CD  Bert Marshall   available on CD Baby

Not the sound I was expecting, the word prairie evoked soft windswept to me, but here the prairie is alive with a beat of a full bodied rich composition. Each song a story in itself the  music is vibrant and draws the listener in. The opening piece “Road to Nowhere” is a song to listen to over and over. From the Road to Nowhere, that songs 18 wheeler takes you to the streets of New York. Ten songs each a strong stand alone piece make this CD a must have for your collection.

The talents of  Bert Marshall are not his music alone. He is a performer and a graduate of Yale Divinity School. He presently works for Church World Service. He  travels sharing a unique performance of the Gospel Of Mark, which is punctuated by his music and mastery of storytelling in long form.

Gospel of Mark

Rev. Bert Marshall shares the story of the entire Gospel of Mark in compelling performance. To learn more about that his website is:  Please watch the trailer video, it is compelling.

an earlier blog I wrote on that is here:

other reviews I’ve written: