Category Archives: WayneNorman

On the Radio in 3….2….1

On the Radio in 3….2….1

Wed. August 18 at 7:20 a.m. I hope your radio is tuned to WILI 1400 AM in Eastern Ct. That is when I will be guest on Wayne Norman’s Morning Show. I will be up and out early to bring you the latest news and updates on the A-MAZE-ING Story Slam to be held Sept. 4 in Thompson Ct. at Fort Hill Farms

A story slam is a competition in telling a story. Short and to the point the stories come from everyday people and professional storytellers. Everyone has a story to tell, come tell yours! We will have all kinds of great prizes, the best being the top prize of a hot air balloon flight, now that is a bucket list item if there ever was one!! Before and after the slam the corn maze at Fort Hill Farms will be open and our ” All Ears ” Listeners from Blue Hill Farm ( donkeys) will be on hand to charm you. There is a place for picnics before hand and the Fort Hill Farm Creamery will be scooping ice cream all day!

If this hasn’t convinced you I suggest you tune in to WILI radio 1400 AM tomorrow morning and hear it for yourself. Live on the radio in 3…2…1. This is Carolyn Stearns and Wayne Norman coming to you from Willimantic Ct.