Category Archives: social media

Christmas Letters Blog 1

Blog 1 Christmas Letters


The countdown to my new book Christmas Letters is well on its way and gaining speed! Launch day is set for July 29, 2-5 pm at The Vineyard at Hillyland in Scotland/Windham CT. Check out their website to learn more about the former dairy farm turned vineyard.  I am planning a few blogs to introduce you to this new book and the wonderful message of service and hope spanning 100 years.

Keep up with the countdown activities from my social media presence. I can’t wait to share the cover reveal and the box opening when they arrive. Where will you find me on Social? I am on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon/Party, and You-Tube.

Here is a popular You-Tube I made about a writer’s cabin

More about Christmas Letters. This book is set on a Connecticut dairy farm in 2017. The fictional family has a multi-generational history on their farm. Sharon is my main character, she lives in the family homestead, and her husband Paul is serving in Afghanistan. A trip to the attic reveals a box of 100-year-old letters written by Paul’s great-great-grandparents when they were separated by WWI. With a Christmas backdrop, there is plenty of tradition and family intermixed with their country life.

I am so excited to have you read this story. It resonated strongly with my military sensitivity readers, editor, proofreader, and the author of my forward. (I will introduce him in another blog)

Have I piqued your curiosity? Check out my Pinterest image and link collection for this book.    Check back next week for more news!

My Book Family is Growing

This summer my book family will grow with the edition of Christmas Letters that will be launched on July 29 at The Vineyard and Hillyland in Scotland, CT. If you are new to my writing or have missed a title let me introduce you to the family. How Far is Safe? was my first novel… Continue Reading

Social Media  “You Can’t Make Me”

Social Media “You Can’t Make Me”

 “You can’t make me!”, a childhood declaration en route to the unwanted bath, or the dreaded family event, it is a classic line of resistance. Often the phrase is a playground recourse to a dare or command to adhere to some childhood standard.  We learn this early in life and wear the moments proudly in memory. The time… Continue Reading

Participatory Storytelling

Participatory Storytelling

Re-posting a blog on Participatory  Storytelling, crossing platforms and geographic area to engage people in a  blogs, Facebook, tweets and other social media to tell a final story when all the components are gathered. I loved the Three Little Pigs segment to access via QR code. Check it out looks like fun! By: Robert Pratten Link:  Participatory Storytelling… Continue Reading

Pinterst How To

Pinterst How To

“> = Use Pinterest  to promote an event, a venue, a hobby, a profession, a place or the eclectic you! Like having all the school bulletin boards to yourself! Scrapbooking online, collect and pin up what you like!There  is no limit to the fun things you can share and find via Pinterst. Technology can be… Continue Reading

Report From  the 30 th  CT. Storytelling Festival

Report From the 30 th CT. Storytelling Festival

My Report from the 30 th  Connecticut Storytelling Festival and Conference April 29, 30, May 1, 2011 at Conn. College New London, CT.          Anticipation hardly covers the feeling of excitement  I feel when my car heads toward New London, CT. I know before long my brain will be swirling in a sea of story.… Continue Reading