Category Archives: digital

making a commercial break

making a commercial break

I’m having fun making my own commercials. I use my Flip camera for video and a regular digital camera for still shots. Looking for something fun and catchy and connecting it into one of my projects is the quest. Going viral is the dream! I don’t have viral quality material yet, I think it will be like hitting the lottery – right place, right time and just the right combination. I’m just having a good time coming up with creative ways  to get the word out!

Here is an example:

For  Campus Slammer ; inter-collegiate story slams in Connecticut,


Here is a link to a blog I did that had great stats due mostly to the video I took.

A still shot – a summer special

       My goal this year is for every storytelling venue I produce or take part in to have  a video. Face Book and Twitter, even blogs get a lot more attention with a video attached.             So…..
LIGHTS – CAMERA – ACTION!                                         
