Category Archives: Herman Marshall

5 Tips for Memorial Day Family Stories

Memorial Day 2015

 Who in your family has a story that needs to be collected before it’s too late?

How did they serve our nation? Where were they sent in the service? What branch of the military were they in?

Herman Marshall

My father; the late Herman F. Marshall, a member of the U.S. Army, during WWII. He was stationed in Alaska to build the Al-Can Highway. I believe this photo may have been taken in Texas on his way home. His favorite memory of that trip was bumping a General from a flight, injured personnel, going home, had priority status. His ear drums had burst on a short flight in Alaska, he suffered temporary hearing loss and was discharged. He was sent home, the year was 1946.

For all those who served in the military there are unique stories, some bound to become family classics.

Here are 5 tips for collecting the family stories.

1.) Be prepared, note pad, pictures, recording device

2.) Have a few specific questions for the particulars of their service

3.) Who was their best friend during their service time?

4.) What memory is the strongest from the time of service?

5.) What was the funniest thing that happened during your service years?

Follow the strongest memory question with the funny question to lighten the atmosphere. Some memories of service are very painful to recall. Our understanding, appreciation and respect to these difficult memories may allow a family member to finally share a tough event they endured. Respect any Veteran’s wish to not continue a story, leave the door open, suggest at some time they write it down so that someday you will understand.

Show gratitude for any story pieces you collect. Fill in the descriptions by searching for images from the event and time. Google Images and Pinterest are great places to start.

Good Luck collecting a family story this holiday weekend.


Ties to a Shipyard Story

Allen, that is a family name, my Paternal Grandmother was Pauline Allen Marshall. She was from Port Greville, Nova Scotia Canada.  Here she is as a young woman in Rye New Hampshire.   She came to the United States as a young teen to work in the Amoskeag Mills in Manchester, NH. Allen is an… Continue Reading

The Button Box – Focus on Family Stories

        I have my Grandmother’s button box. Most women saved buttons back in the day, back when people counted every penny and certainly didn’t want to spend any extra on something like a button. Buttons were salvaged from clothes going to rags, buttons found, buttons saved when a coat made shorter, buttons for shirts and… Continue Reading

Journey of a Thousand Goodbyes

Journey of a Thousand Goodbyes

          My father passed away last week. He was a captive of Dementia or Alzheimer’s for several years and in passing over that journey has ended and another begun. Herman F. Marshall was born July 19, 1929 in Manchester, New Hampshire. His story is our family memory now and I’m reading the things he wrote… Continue Reading