Category Archives: Seraphim

Weather Vanes Story Resources Part 6

Weather Vanes Story Resources Part 6

Seraph: a six winged celestial being in the heirarchy of Angels
There is a great deal of histocial/religious writing and depiction of the Seraph ( singular of Seraphim)

To learn more about them try:    or

For a present day reference this clip from “Sister Act” with the song Salve Regina speaks of both the Seraphim and Cherubim classes of angels.

Our second weather vane today:

A weathervane of this nature would certainly have been found over the small gun shops of the pre-Civil War era. Hunting retreats,gun clubs and others possibly enjoying bragging rights of. their marksmanship might have had the wind marked by such striking art.

Connecticut history is filled with triumphs and failures of the  weapon industry. As a key state in the industrial revolution one of the most heralded names in firearms was from Hartford, CT., Samuel Colt. For a look at the history of the weapon line he developed and his part in Connecticut History look here:       or

Remington was another Connecticut weapon manufacturer their history is here:

Winchester is another name synonimous with weapons and the wild west. Here is a link to more on the Winchester rifles of Connecticut:

Flintlock Guns were common weapon of the Revloution to see a costumed demonstration of how to fire a Flintlock check out this you-tube:

Hope some of these resources will help you bring a story to life. The Museum of CT. History is a great place to visit, there is so much to see from our past. There are many books out on the guns manufactured in Connecticut.

This is the 6th of the Weather Vane Series of resource posts here is the link to the previous posts:





Speaking of weather vanes and wind from 4 directions;
Stories come to us from all directions as evidenced by the work of Storyteller Mike Lockett’s CD , Stories East West  see the review: