Category Archives: Morgan Horse

Review The Great Red Horse Trilogy by Helen Scanlon

Now and then a great horse comes along and is remembered and celebrated for who he was to a breed or sport and its people. UC Ringmaster was just such a horse. The UC is for the University of Connecticut where he was born. I just had the pleasure of recalling those days as I read three excellent books by local author Helen Scanlon. If you read aloud to your children or grandchildren, have a classroom, daycare or library do consider these books. The trilogy covers his birth in book one. His show career and his rise to fame in book two and his legacy and prodigy in book three.

These books are written with a light, artistic pen that plays with the words and sounds. The author is also the illustrator of the trilogy. Her pen and brush take similar strokes to paint a picture of this legendary horse. The wash of watercolor over the page is soft and enticing as she depicts the first steps, a mother’s love, and a championship in the show ring.

I have great memories of watching UC Ringmaster in the show ring. I remember him in the barn at UCONN as a youngster and later when he returned to fulfill his destiny and carry on the great Morgan horse breeding legacy that was part of the founding of the university. Later we were fortunate to have one of his sons in our barn. UC Daybreak was like his father in so many ways. These books hit such a sentimental chord as it was a remembrance of both of these horses. UC Daybreak made his own brand of fame and often in his escapades mention was made of the resemblance to his father in spirit and attitude as well as looks.

I highly recommend this wonderful trilogy for your equine book collection or introduction; you can’t go wrong!

Order Helen Scanlon’s books here:

UC Daybreak son of UC Ringmaster

Read more about UC Daybreak, the son of UC Ringmaster  a four-part series on the escapades of UC Daybreak

The Finish Line

The Finish Line   The last push, the final mile. A runner knows there is the last kick, an adrenaline-pushed spike to complete that last bit when that goal comes into sight. Authors know that as well. Here I am looking at the finish line for my new novel Mystic Girl. I have the anticipatory… Continue Reading

Vermont  of Yesteryear is Waiting For You

Vermont of Yesteryear is Waiting For You

It was a time to enjoy a slower pace, my annual trip to Vermont. The many iconic images of Vermont were revival for the senses, Granite,  the Sugar Maple, the Morgan horse, Green Mountains and country stores. It is here on roads that wander between mountain and valley that I recharged my battery over a work… Continue Reading

Weather Vanes Series; Point to Stories  Part 1

Weather Vanes Series; Point to Stories Part 1

       I love weather vanes. They show you a little about the place or people that live and work below their direction. They  are steady and withstand storms and always helping show the way of the wind. They are whimsical and historical and creative and simple all in one.                                                                         My favorite weather vane adorns… Continue Reading

1 Author, 3 Horses, Thoroughbreds,Lippitt Morgans and Me

1 Author, 3 Horses, Thoroughbreds,Lippitt Morgans and Me

Tonight I was watching the Saratoga Yearling Sales Streaming Live from  I have, since childhood wanted to see the sales at Saratoga. Those days I wore a thin path through the commercial carpet in the school library to the shelves that held the collection of books by C.W.Anderson. Weekly I walked over to carefully select… Continue Reading