Tag Archives: biscuits

Immersed in a Book

Immersed in a Book


I’ve become totally immersed in my book writing project. The story has become part of me. I think and dream with my characters in mind. I have been craving the foods they eat. Those cravings are so strong I even made biscuits and strawberry jam the other day. The boy in my book loves them and holds the first bite in his mouth to savor the summer flavor of the strawberry as it melts across his tongue. Do I have your mouth watering for them now? I’m currently testing recipes to find the perfect fluffy biscuit.

This book is titled How Far is Safe? This is my first novel length book and I’m so excited it will become a reality in late June 2021. My book was written in response to the many rescue donkeys I have met at shows, demonstrations, and fairs. Why do people continue to misunderstand donkeys and put them in a situation where they need to be rescued? I wanted to write a story that would show people how devoted and loving they can be when you take the time to develop the bond of trust and a loving relationship. My early readers suggest I am on target with more than one saying they were moved to tears by the characters journey and they just love the boy and donkey.

My target date for the book launch week is June 27- July 3, 2021. The launch day event is to be held at the Donkey and Eeyore Museum in Hebron CT. It is the perfect spot for the event and will help launch the museum as their opening was ruined by the Covid Pandemic lockdown. The last details of the book project are in the works. I am waiting on a forward, cover art and a final edit check for those last typos not caught in the many rounds of editing. It won’t be long until I hold a cover reveal, and a box opening. What is a box opening? It is the very first time I open a box and see my finished book and hold it in my hands. I can tell you even the thought of that gives me flutters of excitement! Follow my blog, more updates are coming!