Pretty landscapes are a distant thought until the dangers and effects of the blizzard are subdued

Somewhere over the snowpile our horse trailer

The January 12, 2011 Blizzard Special Edition Ct. Quiet Corner Storybook Farm Report
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9:30 a.m. it is still coming down. Hard to get an accurate total in windswept Mansfield Ct. but I think there is over 2 feet of snow so far, it is still coming down. Visibility is improved but still a reduced amount. The cold wind driven snow stings at the eyes.
I am in on a coffee and cooking break. I have all our horses, goats and the 2 rabbits fed and watered. It took a massive amount of shoveling just to accomplish that. The rest of the family is still out there. Most of the work at the dairy is done for the morning. My son drove to and from work on his tractor clearing his own way. Now he has our driveway passable for the short term and gone down the road to plow his Grandfather’s driveway.
We are so grateful to the manufaturers of Carhart clothes! We just would hate to attempt a storm of this caliber without our Carhart Coats, sweatshirts and coveralls.
Whooeeee! We have a wimpy amount of snow in Brookline but you all down South? Like Stevie Wonder said “You got it bad, girl!” Seriously, stay warm and watch your back! This too shall pass.