In The Vault We Found……..

In The Vault We Found……..

The phone call came a couple months ago from Wisconsin. The caller, Laura found my name on the town website listed as the Cemetery Sexton and she was searching for records. On a long quest to follow her family genealogy she soon discovered the Mayflower Society and how to trace back and show your roots… Continue Reading

Outstanding In Your Field

Outstanding In Your Field

The award night, the glittering lights, anticipation, a heart pounding scenario. To be recognized among a group of peers for a performance of standout quality and dynamic proportion, yes Award Night is a momentous occasion. Just who will be filling the audience and what is their take on your big moment. Around here it is… Continue Reading

Dedication and Insanity Meet pt. 4 Daybreak’s Story

Dedication and Insanity Meet pt. 4 Daybreak’s Story

We had nothing left to do but load the horse and drive back, except….Daybreak hates horse trailers has a history and a no I won’t load, game on his agenda. Here on this back road on the Mass. New Hampshire border I do not want to be part of a 3 hour loading event. Our… Continue Reading

Dear God, Let It Be A Horse!  pt.3

Dear God, Let It Be A Horse! pt.3

Dear God, Let that sound of a snapping twig be from our horse Daybreak not a BEAR! The night is so dark I turn the little squeeze light in the direction of the sound, nothing. I walk more, “Daybreak”, I call out softly, hoping if it’s a bear he doesn’t like voices and will leave.… Continue Reading

Dedication, One Step From Insane

Dedication, One Step From Insane

That lump, you see it on the tailgate? Well that’s me, and I ended up sleeping there. I have to say it wasnt really sleep the body just stopped functioning. It had been a long day of announcing at our cowboy mounted shooting competition. I was also cheering on my son Tim and his horse… Continue Reading

Event Planner – That’s Me

Event Planner – That’s Me

Among the items listed on my resume should be event planner extroidinaire! In the job description of “Mom” there is a whole section on planning, the usuals being birthday parties and sleepovers, vacations and family holidays. Each deserving the remembrance as either incredible or awful, and usually it was unforseen circumstances that brought on the… Continue Reading

Saddled by: Susan Richards – Book Review

Saddled by: Susan Richards – Book Review

I just finished a great read! Saddled by: Susan Richards (isbn 978-0-547-24172-2 ) What a good way to kick off summer, by reading a book that keeps you enthralled until the last page. You understand that it was the title and the absolutley elegant horse head on the cover that made me pick it up.… Continue Reading

Lanes Stadium

Lanes Stadium

The seats are filled and the fans are spirited as the double header settles in to game two. Having gone extra innings to break a tie it will be interesting to see who has the staying power as the two teams return to the field of story with their lineup. First up to bat and… Continue Reading

Storytelling a Team Sport

Storytelling a Team Sport

Red Sox or Yankees? Uconn or U. Tenn? Does it matter? Mass Mouth ( ) or the Moth ( ) no not in storytelling or really in sports. We can choose who we follow and root for, we just need to pick our game and be enthused. Put on your Storyteller t-shirt and… Continue Reading

A-MAZE-ING Story Slam

A-MAZE-ING Story Slam

Yesterday I drove the winding Boston Turnpike ( Rte 44) which boasts many improvements since George Washington traveled it. Finally turning off to the northeast I headed in the direction of Thompson , Ct. I came up to the green now shaded by the ginat trees and went along one side past the library… Continue Reading – The Island Long Riders cowboy mounted shooting club Long Islands Best Videos Politics and Local News – The Island Long Riders cowboy mounted shooting club Long Islands Best Videos Politics and Local News Here is a great look at what I do a lot of announcing for. There is a tiny segment where you can hear me. This is a great sport filled with great people. Will be back out… Continue Reading

Geneology of a Storytelling

Geneology of a Storytelling

Aetna, of Hartford, Ct., the insurance giant, has a huge auditorium at the home office. Yesterday ( Saturday May 8, 2010) I brought my Connecticut Stories to the Aetna 39 rs, their Retiree Group. The theatre lighting, railed balconies, carpeted main floor and huge stage behind me made for the perfect setting for sharing old… Continue Reading

Sky racers

Sky Racers 5/9/09 Carolyn Stearns I went out walking tonight as one storm was chased from the sky on the steeds of another. I paused at the gate to the meadow and watched. There across the western horizon monstrous black clouds mounted and with their golden rims sparkling, went skittering northeast as if in the… Continue Reading

Instant Summer

Instant Summer There I was today freezing in the barn. It was 50 degrees but the wind was whipping itself around and in the north door and I was tired and grumpy and cold. Cold that is the word and as I watched the very bubbly and optimistic weather forecast I was amazed, it will… Continue Reading

March Roars In

March came roaring in like a lion last night. I lay in bed listeneing to the roar. I could hear trees crackle and barn doors creak in the fierce wind and thought about all the animals out in the barn listeneing. It must seem even louder to them. There is a certain comfort in knowing… Continue Reading